Data & Business Intelligence

Algorithm Agency merges data and strategy to deliver real results. We deliver simplified insights and intelligence without all the noise, giving you actionable business and marketing insights.

From Raw Data to Real Results: Let Algorithm Agency Drive Your ROI

Unlock the true potential of your digital marketing campaigns with Algorithm Agency. We don’t just believe in data, we live and breathe it. Our philosophy is simple: every decision we make is grounded in data insights. It’s the foundation that drives our strategies and ensures we achieve real results for our clients.

We have perfected the integration of merging your offline conversion and data with your online ecosystem. This approach focuses on integrating CRM and offline conversion data with digital performance with the purpose of providing real ROI for lead generation. This process includes linking Google Analytics to CRM and call center data, as well as pushing offline conversion data into 3rd party media platform conversion APIs. In short closing the loop between the real and digital worlds.

Data Analysis & Reporting

Comprehensive reporting is at the heart of everything we do. We use relevant metrics to show you how your campaigns are performing and driving return on investment. No matter how small the task, we report on it in detail to ensure that you always have a clear understanding of where your budget is working.

Our team of data experts excels at automating data processes so that you don’t have to pay for manual reporting. Instead, we create beautifully crafted reporting dashboards that are tailored to your business or campaign objectives. This approach allows us to spend more time discussing what you should be doing to achieve your goals, rather than focusing on what happened last month.

Data & Tracking Audits

Don’t let inaccurate data hinder your business decisions. Even the largest brands can struggle with analytics configuration and deployment, leading to incomplete tracking and unreliable insights.

We specialize in performing comprehensive analytics and tracking audits that deliver accurate and actionable insights. Our team will identify any gaps in your tracking and provide recommendations to ensure you measure the right things with precision.

Maximize the potential of your data and make informed decisions.

Integrated Reporting Dashboards

Data integration is critical for success, but it’s not always a simple process.

At Algorithm we have the experience and expertise to integrate with a wide range of different data sources, including marketing platforms like Google Analytics, Adobe, and Google Ads, as well as operational systems like Salesforce and Microsoft CRM.

We ensure data accuracy, cleanliness, and stability to deliver seamless integrated digital reporting solutions that can help you make data-driven decisions and achieve your business goals.

Our operational and campaign insights help you make informed decisions that can take your business to the next level.

No matter what your sector or your strategy or operational system, we are able to simplify your reporting into live data dashboards. We can align with various reporting solutions including but not limited to Tableau, Microsoft Power BI, QlikView and Pentaho.

Contact us today for all your integration and reporting requirements.

Business Intelligence

Unlock the full potential of your digital marketing efforts by tracking and monitoring every aspect of your performance. At Algorithm, we prioritize data and insights to guide our work. We believe that intelligent use of data insights is the key to optimizing campaigns and making impactful decisions requires a thorough understanding of all available information.

We know that the right strategic decisions are only possible with reliable data. That’s why we’re here to help you make effective decisions by extracting valuable insights from accurate data. Our team of data analysts are a unique breed, combining technical expertise with business acumen to deliver commercially founded insights and recommendations.

With Algorithm Agency, you’ll gain access to the tools and insights necessary to track and measure your campaign ROI. Don’t settle for guesswork in your marketing strategy – let us help you make data-driven decisions that deliver results.

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